“For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another” Romans 12: 4 – 5

We welcome you to be an active part of our community by sharing with us your time, talents and expertise in the spirit of the Gospel values. At the Franciscan Chapel Center, we strive to be like Christ to all. Our service to others are broadly categorized into Liturgical Groups, Faith Formation & Social Outreach.

You may consider your calling by discerning how you can serve the Lord.

Liturgical GroupsFaith Formation GroupsSocial Outreach
Music MinistryRCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)Orphans’ Ministry
LectorsSacramental Preparation & Children’s LiturgyHomeless Outreach
Extraordinary MinistersChrist-Centered Youth Leadership ProgramPrison Ministry
Altar ServersYoung Adults

St. Martha’s