2025 – Jubilee Year in the Catholic Church Message from the Holy Father, Pope Francis In the history of the people of Israel, the sound of a ram’s horn called yobel – from which the term “jubilee” originates – echoed through every village, marking the start of a special year as prescribed by the Law of Moses (cf. Lv 25). Jubilee, a time of renewal Continue reading ›
During Lent -Recollection & Sacrament of Renconciliation Saturday, 12th April: Recollection 10am – 2pm, Preacher: Friar Garrett Galvin OFM, President / Rector of Franciscan School of Theology. Confessions: 2:30 – 4pm. Meals will be served. Please reserve this day
Young Adults’ Meeting On Sunday, 26th April at 12:30pm. If you are in Tokyo, why not drop in. Our group consists of like-minded people who either study or work here. The aim of our once-a-month meeting is to foster social fellowship and grow spiritually by sharing and learning from one another.
Sacrament of Confirmation for 18 and above If you desire to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please email Caji by Sunday 9th of February. The sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Saturday, 26th April at 5pm.
Praying for others at the FCC “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7) Continue reading ›
Seeking Jesus Christ? We welcome inquirers of the Faith. If you desire to know about the Catholic Faith or if you feel Christ calling you, we would like to meet you. Continue reading ›