For your child to receive Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist on April 26, 2025, you need to register them for Sacramental Preparation by Sunday, October 27th 2024.
At, the FCC, the order of sacraments administered to children is Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. If your child has received First Holy Eucharist, then they will receive the sacrament of Confirmation only. If your child hasn’t received any sacrament besides baptism, then they will receive the sacraments of Confirmation and the First Holy Eucharist.
Our Sacramental Preparation engagements are organised for children in age groups of 5 – 7, 8 – 10 and 11 – 13.
For the year 2024 – 25, parents will fully participate in the catechism of their children. They will be facilitators, catechizing their children in smaller groups. The teacher will empower/guide parents to share their faith to the group ensuring that topics from the curriculum are covered.
Our approach has a two-fold aim. We want to foster a community spirit where families come together to share their faith and we want to offer parents the opportunity to fulfil the baptismal promise they have taken to nurture their children in the light of their faith.
If your child is 8 years old and above and haven’t received the sacrament of Baptism, please refer to our RCIA page
Our Teaching Plan offers a clear outline of the topics that will be covered up until May. We encourage parents to refer to this plan to support their children in preparing for the sacraments. All teachers and admin volunteers strive to adhere to the FCC Safeguarding Policy for Minors and Vulnerable Adults.
After each session, your child’s teacher will email you a brief summary of what was covered in class.
We also invite your child to take part in our Children’s Liturgy that takes place every Sunday, during the 11am Mass. You must register your child for Children’s Liturgy by completing the Children’s Ministry Form
Your child will reflect upon the Gospel for that day through songs, activities and prayers. They will begin to understand and love Jesus’ teaching through very simple ways. Your child will return to the Main Chapel during the preparation of the gifts.
The Liturgy of the Word for Children is not “Sunday school” or a catechism class; it is not primarily a moment for catechesis. Rather, the Liturgy of the Word for Children is a part of the Mass just as it is for adults
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