Our faith is based on the Scriptures and we believe that Christ is present when they are proclaimed and listened to with faith. Our lectors at Mass fulfil an essential role.
Lectors will also guide us in fulfilling our priestly calling that was bestowed on all of us who are baptised. As a community of the the baptised, we fulfil our priestly role, intercedes for the needs of the world. The lectors, invites us to join in the Universal Prayers.
Lectors are emailed a monthly schedule as an editable Google document, enabling them to sign up for the Masses they wish to read.
For now, we have temporarily suspended the preparatory meeting that took place every Wednesday at 7pm and every Saturday at 2pm. For these gatherings, lectors united in prayer and contemplation, sought guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand and live the scriptures they are to proclaim. Utilizing the ambo as a sacred space, lectors practised their reading by recognising their spiritual connection to the text. This ensures that, when they ultimately deliver the scriptures, the intended meaning is conveyed with depth and authenticity.
If you feel that you have a calling to be a Minister of the Word and are confident to proclaim to the congregation, you surely could help our community as a lector. For more information, email Caji at fccpastoral@gmail.com