What is Sacramental Marriage?

Sacraments are special acts of worship which celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit at particular moments in the life of the community of faith and its members. Sacraments involve a relationship with Jesus and therefore, presume faith on the part of the individual and the community. Christian marriage is a sacrament, the joining together of a man and a woman into a community of love called a family. In the love which binds two in one, the Christian community finds a reflection of the tremendous love of God for us, a love which binds us to God and to each other. Husband and wife confer the Sacrament of Matrimony on each other. In doing this, the two become a source of renewed grace each day and a reminder to each other of God’s presence and love.

Marriage Preparation at the FCC

We welcome our parishioners to be an integral part of our community, celebrating the Sunday Eucharist with us. So when a parishioner decides to get married, either at the FCC or at a different parish, they are already known to the Pastor as members of the FCC community. This is one of the prerequisites to initiate the marriage process in the Catholic Church.

The Church is concerned more than ever for the well-being of married couples and adequate preparation will offset problems that could arise during marriage. Rather than seeming to make it hard to get married, the Church doesn’t want your married life to be hard. This is why the Church asks couples to complete a preparation process for the Sacrament of Marriage. It will assure the spiritual and practical understanding of the Sacrament and God’s plan for your married life.

When and Who to Contact?

Contact the Pastor, at least six month’s (more earlier the better) before your planned marriage date.