Our religious education program is for ages 4-15. We have Pre-K and Kindergarten classes during Mass. Our other classes, first grade to middle school, go from 9:00 to 10:00.
Our curriculum aims at developing faith in young people through studying the Liturgy, sacramental preparation, and applying the Faith to leading a Christian life.
In each grade we use the Finding God series of textbooks (published by Loyola Press) to teach the basics of the faith: beliefs and traditions. Sacramental preparation is done in conjunction with parents, and materials are provided. For home study you can find materials to use with the Finding God textbooks here. You will need the textbook for the lesson. Just click on the link and it will take you to the Families page for the Loyola Press. Then, click on the grade you want and the lesson plans will open as a PDF in a new tab. Page down to read the lesson plan.
Moral education and social justice are also taught based on the attitudes of the Catholic Church.
A few times a year, students are given the opportunity to participate in activities such as preparing snacks and onigiri (rice balls) for the homeless.
Lectionary-based materials are available for home-study use from the RCL Benzinger Lectionary Resources webpage. Just click on this link RCL Benzinger Lectionary Gospel Reflections Year B and scroll down to find the Sunday or feast day you want, click on it, and a new tab will open with the Gospel reading location, summary, reflection for parents, and an activity for the family.
If you plan on teaching your child at home, please see our religious education director for requirements and materials. All inquiries can be emailed to: fccreligioused@gmail.com